
SKLOG讲坛2024第5期: Dr. Manolis N. Romanias(IMT Nord Europe)为我室师生作学术讲座


    6月7日,应Gligorovski Sasho 研究员邀请,IMT Nord Europe能源与环境系助理教授Dr. Manolis N. Romanias应邀为我室师生作题为“Can mineral dust be an important sink of glyoxal in the atmosphere?”学术讲座。会议由Gligorovski Sasho 研究员主持,实验室众多职工和学生聆听了本次报告。

    本次讲座Dr. Manolis N. Romanias围绕有机化合物老化矿物粉尘作了报告。利用挥发性有机物(以乙二醛为例)研究矿物粉尘的大气老化,评价其对空气质量和气候的影响。结合分子尺度实验室,探讨了矿物粉尘吸收污染物的动力学和机理。应用动力学数据评估乙二醛非均相去除在局部和全球范围内的影响,并且阐明涂层形成对颗粒的光学和吸湿性能的影响。本次学术交流为我室相关领域的研究工作从理论、模拟和实践上提供了新思路。老师和同学们纷纷表示本次讲座开拓了视野,激发了创新思维,受益匪浅。


Dr Manolis N. Romanias, received his diploma in chemistry from the University of Crete, in 2004, and a M.Sc. in Environmental Science and Engineering in 2007. He got his Ph.D. in 2009 from the same university with a thesis focusing on the heterogeneous interaction between trace organic and inorganic gases with ice surfaces. He continued his post-doctoral studies in Orleans, France, joining the CNRS-ICARE atmospheric reactivity group. In 2015 he joined the department of Energy and Environment where he is currently assistant professor. The work of his group is focused on kinetics and mechanisms of homogeneous and heterogeneous photochemical atmospheric processes, by means of laboratory studies based on advanced approaches using photochemical reactors, and atmospheric simulation chambers. Consequently, his research covers a wide range of themes, such as the gas phase degradation of pollutants from atmospheric oxidants, the heterogeneous reaction between aerosols and pollutants, the emission and heterogeneous reactivity of outdoor macroscopic surfaces, and stratospheric geoengineering.

 Dr. Manolis N. Romanias作报告

