1.硕士研究生国家奖学金 2019
2.中国科学院大学三好学生 2022
3.北京市优秀毕业生 2023
1.Sun, W.; Guo, Z.; Peng, X.; Lin, J.; Fu, Y.; Yang, Y.; Zhang, G.; Jiang, B.; Liao, Y.; Chen, D.; Wang, X.; Bi, X. Molecular Characteristics, Sources and Transformation of Water-insoluble Organic Matter in Cloud Water. Environmental Pollution 2023, 325, 121430.
2.Guo, Z.; Sun, W.; Hu, X.; Lin, J.; Fu, Y.; Peng, X.; Jiang, B.; Liao, Y.; Zhang, G.; Wang, X.; Peng, P.; Bi, X., Molecular characteristics and compositions affecting light absorption features of cloud water revealed by Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry. Atmospheric Environment 2023, 295.
3.孙伟, 胡晓东, 胡耀豪, 张国华, 郭子雍, 林菊英, 黄金婷, 蔡晓銮, 戴建威, 王新明, 张小曳, 毕新慧, 钟南山. 大气环境对新型冠状病毒传播影响的研究进展. 科学通报 2022, 67, 2509-2521.
4.Fu, Y.; Peng, X.; Sun, W.; Hu, X.; Wang, D.; Yang, Y.; Guo, Z.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, G.; Zhu, J.; Ou, J.; Shi, Z.; Wang, X.; Bi, X., Impact of Cloud Process in the Mixing State and Microphysical Properties of Soot Particles: Implications in Light Absorption Enhancement. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 2022, 127, e2022JD037169.
5.Zhang, G.; Hu, X.; Sun, W.; Yang, Y.; Guo, Z.; Fu, Y.; Wang, H.; Zhou, S.; Li, L.; Tang, M.; Shi, Z.; Chen, D.; Bi, X.; Wang, X., A comprehensive study about the in-cloud processing of nitrate through coupled measurements of individual cloud residuals and cloud water. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2022, 22, 9571-9582.
6.Hu, X.; Guo, Z.; Sun, W.; Lian, X.; Fu, Y.; Meng, H.; Zhu, Y.; Zhang, G.; Wang, X.; Xue, L.; Bi, X.; Wang, X.; Peng, P., Atmospheric Processing of Particulate Imidazole Compounds Driven by Photochemistry. Environmental Science & Technology Letters 2022, 9, 265-271.
7.Sun, W.; Fu, Y.; Zhang, G.; Yang, Y.; Jiang, F.; Lian, X.; Jiang, B.; Liao, Y.; Bi, X.; Chen, D.; Chen, J.; Wang, X.; Ou, J.; Peng, P.; Sheng, G., Measurement report: Molecular characteristics of cloud water in southern China and insights into aqueous-phase processes from Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2021, 21, 16631-16644.
8.Sun, W.; Zhao, S.; Pei, H.; Yang, H., The coupled evolution of mid- to late Holocene temperature and moisture in the southeast Qaidam Basin. Chemical Geology 2019, 528, 119282.
1.国家自然科学基金面上项目 基于云雾过程外场观测的有机物液相反应机制研究 2019.01-2022.12 参与
2.广东省科技计划项目 广东天井山大气环境和气候变化专项科学考察 2020.01-2021.12 参与
3.国家重点研发计划 我国东部大气活性氮化合物收支及其对PM2.5和臭氧污染形成的作用机制 2023.01- 参与