博士,地球化学专业,合作导师为彭平安研究员。2015年于中山大学获得学士学位,2021年于中国科学院广州地球化学研究所获得博士学位,指导老师为张干研究员。曾先后在日本中部大学(2019)和斯德哥尔摩大学(2019-2020)进行合作研究。研究方向为单体放射性碳同位素技术(compound specific radiocarbon analysis, CSRA)的开发及应用。
1.Xu B, Zhang G, Gustafsson Ö, Kawamura K, Li J, Andersson A, Bikkina S, Kunwar B, Pokhrel A, Zhong G, Zhao S, Li J, Huang C, Cheng Z, Zhu S, Peng P, Sheng G (2022). Large contribution of fossil-derived components to aqueous secondary organic aerosols in China. Nature Communications [J], 13: 5115.
2.Xu B, Tang J, Tang T, Zhao S, Zhong G, Zhu S, Li J, Zhang G (2023). Fates of secondary organic aerosols in the atmosphere identified from compound-specific dual-carbon isotope analysis of oxalic acid. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics [J], 23: 1565-1578.
3.Xu B, Cheng Z, Gustafsson Ö, Kawamura K, Jin B, Zhu S, Tang T, Zhang B, Li J, Zhang G (2021). Compound-specific radiocarbon analysis of low molecular weight dicarboxylic acids in ambient aerosols using preparative gas chromatography: method development. Environmental Science & Technology Letters [J], 8: 135-141.
4.Tang T, Cheng Z, Xu B, Zhang B, Li J, Zhang W, Wang K, Zhang G (2022). Source Diversity of Intermediate Volatility n-Alkanes Revealed by Compound-Specific δ13C−δD Isotopes. Environmental Science & Technology [J], 56: 14262-14271.
5.Tang T, Cheng Z, Xu B, Zhang B, Zhu S, Cheng H, Li J, Chen Y, Zhang G (2020). Triple Isotopes (δ13C, δ2H, and Δ14C) Compositions and Source Apportionment of Atmospheric Naphthalene: A Key Surrogate of Intermediate-Volatility Organic Comp ounds (IVOCs). Environmental Science & Technology [J], 54: 5409-5418.
6.Zhang G, Liu J, Li J, Li P, Wei N, Xu B (2021) Radiocarbon isotope technique as a powerful tool in tracking anthropogenic emission of carbonaceous air pollutants and greenhouse gases: a review. Fundamental Research [J], 1, (3), 306-316.
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:南岭背景站大气颗粒物中二元羧酸的单体双碳同位素研究2024-2025(主持)
2. 博士后特别资助(站中):我国南方高山背景大气中二次有机气溶胶来源、传输特征和形成机制的研究,2023-2024(主持)
3. 博士后面上资助(一等资助):青藏高原典型城市气溶胶中二元羧酸的单体双碳同位素研究2023-2024(主持)
4. 广东省自然科学基金—面上项目:基于二元酸单体同位素组成示踪青藏高原有机气溶胶来源与演化,2022-2024(主持)