博士,2016年于中南民族大学获得学士学位,2022年于中国科学院广州地球化学研究所获得博士学位,2022年8月至今,在中国科学院广州地球化学研究所从事博士后研究。主要从事环境重金属和大气污染物的早期健康效应研究,重点围绕定量生物标志物和毒害污染物的筛查。目前在Environmental Science & Technology,Environment International等国际期刊发表SCI论文6篇,其中第一作者2篇,授权发明专利1项。
1. 中国科学院大学三好学生(2021年)
2. 中国科学院广州地球化学研究所研究生优秀科研成果奖二等奖(2021年)
3. 2020年环境与健康学术年会青年论坛优秀报告奖(2020年)
4. 广东省环境诱变剂学会研究生论坛优秀报告奖(2020年)
5. 第五届环境科学与工程双边会议优秀展报奖(2017年)
1.Wan, C., Pan, S., Lin, L., Li, J., Dong, G., Jones, K.C., Liu, F., Li, D., Liu, J., Yu, Z., Zhang, G., Ma, H., 2021. DNA Methylation Biomarkers of IQ Reduction are Associated with Long-term Lead Exposure in School Aged Children in Southern China. Environmental Science & Technology 55, 412-422.
2.Wan, C., Ma, H., Liu, J., Liu, F., Liu, J., Dong, G., Zeng, X., Li, D., Yu, Z., Wang, X., Li, J., Zhang, G., 2024. Quantitative relationships of FAM50B and PTCHD3 methylation with reduced intelligence quotients in school aged children exposed to lead: Evidence from epidemiological and in vitro studies. Science of The Total Environment 907, 167976.
3.Ma, H., Li, J., Wan, C., Liang, Y., Zhang, X., Dong, G., Hu, L., Yang, B., Zeng, X., Su, T., Lu, S., Chen, S., Khorram, M.S., Sheng, G., Wang, X., Mai, B., Yu, Z., Zhang, G., 2019. Inflammation Response of Water-Soluble Fractions in Atmospheric Fine Particulates: A Seasonal Observation in 10 Large Chinese Cities. Environmental Science & Technology 53, 3782-3790.
4.Ma, H., Chen, W., Zhang, Q., Wan, C., Mo, Y., Liu, F., Dong, G., Zeng, X., Chen, D., Yu, Z., Li, J., Zhang, G., 2023. Pollution source and chemicals structure of the water-soluble fractions in PM2.5 that induce apoptosis in China. Environment International 173, 107820.
5.Zhang, Q., Ma, H., Li, J., Jiang, H., Chen, W., Wan, C., Jiang, B., Dong, G., Zeng, X., Chen, D., Lu, S., You, J., Yu, Z., Wang, X., Zhang, G., 2023. Nitroaromatic Compounds from Secondary Nitrate Formation and Biomass Burning Are Major Proinflammatory Components in Organic Aerosols in Guangzhou: A Bioassay Combining High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry Analysis. Environmental Science & Technology.
6.Zeng, Y., Ma, H.-M., Zhang, Q.-Y., Tao, L., Wang, T., Wan, C., Chen, S.-J., Mai, B.-X., 2023. Complex polycyclic aromatic compound mixtures in PM2.5 in a Chinese megacity: Spatio-temporal variations, toxicity, and source apportionment. Environment International 179, 108159.
7.马慧敏,万聪,张干,董光辉,李军,杨博逸。一组用于检测血铅诱导儿童智力降低的生物标志物及其应用,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 202211231474.8。
1. 国家重点研发计划国合专项:交通源超细颗粒物暴露与神经退行性疾病风险评估的关键技术及应用,2019-2023(参与)
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:大气细颗粒物中类腐殖酸类化合物的有效毒性组分的筛选和鉴定,2021-2024(参与)
3. 广东省自然科学基金面上项目:血铅诱导儿童智力降低的DNA甲基化生物标志物的初步鉴定,2019-2022(参与)
4. 广州市科技计划项目:广州市PM2.5中不同来源的类腐殖酸类化合物对人体肺细胞的毒性贡献,2021-2023(参与)