1. 中国科学院大学三好学生(2019-2020)
1. Cao, T., Li, M., Zou, C., Fan, X., Song, J., Jia, W., Yu, C., Yu, Z., and Peng, P.: Chemical composition, optical properties, and oxidative potential of water- and methanol-soluble organic compounds emitted from the combustion of biomass materials and coal, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 13187–13205, 2021.
2. Cao, T., Li, M., Xu, C., Song, J., Fan, X., Li, J., Jia, W., and Peng, P.: Technical note: Chemical composition and source identification of fluorescent components in atmospheric water-soluble brown carbon by excitation–emission matrix spectroscopy with parallel factor analysis – potential limitations and applications, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 23, 2613–2625, 2023.
3. 操涛、宋建中、范行军;生物质燃烧源类腐殖质的臭氧老化特征 [J] 中国环境科学,2022,Vol.42 (8) 3483-3491.
4. Fan, X., Cao, T., Yu, X., Wang, Y., Xiao, X., Li, F., Xie, Y., Ji, W., Song, J., and Peng, P.: The evolutionary behavior of chromophoric brown carbon during ozone aging of fine particles from biomass burning, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 4593–4605, 2020.
5. Zou, C., Cao, T., Li, M., Song, J., Jiang, B., Jia, W., Li, J., Ding, X., Yu, Z., Zhang, G., and Peng, P.: Measurement report: Changes in light absorption and molecular composition of water-soluble humic-like substances during a winter haze bloom-decay process in Guangzhou, China, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 23, 963–979, 2023.
6. Zou, C., Li, M., Cao, T., Zhu, M., Fan, X., Peng, S., Song J*., Jiang, B., Jia, W., Yu, C., Yu, Z., Li, J., Zhang, G., Peng,P. Comparison of solid phase extraction methods for the measurement of humic-like substances (HULIS) in atmospheric particles. Atmospheric Environment, 2020, 225, 117370.
7. Fan, X., Li, M., Cao, T., Cheng, C., Li, F., Xie, Y., Wei, S., Song, J., and Peng, P.: Optical properties and oxidative potential of water-and alkaline-soluble brown carbon in smoke particles emitted from laboratory simulated biomass burning, Atmospheric Environment, 194, 48-57, 2018.
8. Song, J., Li, M., Zou, C., Cao, T., Fan, X., Jiang, B., Yu, Z., Jia, W., and Peng, P.: Molecular Characterization of Nitrogen-Containing Compounds in Humic-like Substances Emitted from Biomass Burning and Coal Combustion, Environmental science & technology, 56, 119-130, 2021.
1. 国家自然科学基金重大项目 典型燃烧源排放黑碳的理化特征及其关键影响因素与生成机制研究 (2022.1-2026.12)参与
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目 生物质和家用煤燃烧排放棕色碳的光化学老化研究 (2019.10-2023.12)参与
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目 液态烃热化学硫酸盐还原反应中含氧中间产物的生成、演化及其地质意义(2022.1-2025.12)参与