陈键(JIAN CHEN) / 副研究员

简  历:




7. Chen Jian*, Xu Jie, Wang Susu, Sun Zhenyu, Li Zhong, Jia Wanglu, Peng Ping’an. Dissolution of different reservoir rocks by organic acids in laboratory simulations: implications for the effect of alteration on deep reservoirs. Geofluids, 2021, 6689490.

6. Chen Jian, Jia Wanglu∗, Yu Chiling, Zhang Xiangyun, Peng Ping’an. Bound hydrocarbons and structure of pyrobitumen rapidly formed by asphaltene cracking: Implications for oil–source correlation. Organic Geochemistry, 2020, 146: 104053.

5. Chen Jian, Jia Wanglu∗, Xiao Zhongyao, Peng Ping’an. Catalytic hydroprolysis of asphaltenes in marine oil from the Tarim Basin, NW China: Implications to complicated oil charging histories in an old composite basin. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2020, 114: 104232.

4. Chen Jian∗, Liu Dayong, Hou Xiaolin, Fan Yukun, Jia Wanglu, Peng, Ping’an, Zhang Baoshou, Xiao Zhongyao. Origin and evolution of oilfield waters in the Tazhong oilfield, Tarim Basin, China, and their relationship to multiple hydrocarbon charging events. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2018, 98: 554-568.

3. Chen Jian, Peng Ping’an∗. A comparative study of free and bound bitumens from different mature source rocks with Type III kerogens. Organic Geochemistry, 2017, 112: 1-15.

2. Chen Jian, Liu Dayong, Peng Ping’an∗, Chen Ning, Hou Xiaolin, Zhang Baoshou, Xiao Zhongyao. Iodine-129 chronological study of brines from an Ordovician paleokarst reservoir in the Lunnan oilfield, Tarim Basin. Applied Geochemistry, 2016, 65: 14-21.

1. Chen Jian, Liu Dayong, Peng Pingan∗, Yu Chiling, Zhang Baoshou, Xiao Zhongyao. The sources and formation processes of brines from the Lunnan Ordovician paleokarst reservoir, Tarim Basin, northwest China. Geolfuids, 2013, 13: 381-394.


1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金,41503051,塔里木盆地典型油气区下古生界储层油田水的年龄研究:129I/I比值的综合应用,2016-01至2018-12,22万元,已结题,主持

2. 科技部,国家油气重大专项子课题,2017X05008-003-022,深层烃-水-岩体系演变与储层溶蚀改造效应,2017-01至2020-12,150.42万元,已结题,主持

3. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上基金,42173057,液态烃热化学硫酸盐还原反应中含氧中间产物的生成、演化及其地质意义,2022-01至2025-12,61万元,在研,主持