简 历:
博士,副研究员,福建省高层次人才,厦门市领军人才。2002年、2005于福建农林大学分别获得学士、硕士学位,2009年于厦门大学获得博士学位。曾先后在美国加州大学河滨分校(2014-2015)和德国莱布尼茨对流层研究所(2018)进行访问合作研究。主要从事大气环境化学与空气污染防控研究,近期重点围绕海陆交汇地区大气二次有机气溶胶的来源与形成机制及其对大气氧化性改变的响应开展研究。发表SCI论文80余篇,其中第一或通讯30余篇,SCI论文总引用2500余次,H因子31。合作编写英文著作1项,地方标准1项,国家专利多项。现任福建省大气臭氧污染防控重点实验室副主任等职务,任《National Science Review》、PNAS Nexus、EST、ACP等20种SCI期刊审稿人。
1. Springer Nature (BECT) 优秀审稿人奖(2020年)
1. Ji, X., Chen, G., Chen, J.*, Xu, L., Lin, Z., Zhang, K., Fan X, Li, M., Zhang, H., Wang, H., Huang, Z., and Hong, Y.*: Meteorological impacts on the unexpected ozone pollution in coastal cities of China during the unprecedented hot summer of 2022,Science of the Total Environment 2024, 914, 170035
2. Hong, Y.*, Zhang, K., Liao, D., Chen, G., Zhao, M., Lin, Y., Ji, X., Xu, K., Wu, Y., Yu, R., Hu, G., Choi, S.D., Xue, L.*, and Chen, J.: Exploring the amplified role of HCHO in the formation of HMS and O3 during the co-occurring PM2.5 and O3 pollution in a coastal city of southeast China, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2023, 23, 10795–10807
3. Ji, X., Hong, Y.*, Lin, Y., Xu, K., Chen, G., Liu, T., Xu, L., Li, M., Fan, X., Wang, H., Zhang, H., Chen, Y., Yang, C., Lin, Z., and Chen, J.*: Impacts of Synoptic Patterns and Meteorological Factors on Distribution Trends of Ozone in Southeast China During 2015–2020, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2023, 128, e2022JD037961
4. Hong, Y., Xu, X., Liao, D., Liu, T., Ji, X., Xu, K., Liao, C., Wang, T., Lin, C., and Chen, J. Measurement report: Effects of anthropogenic emissions and environmental factors on the formation of biogenic secondary organic aerosol (BSOA) in a coastal city of southeastern China, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2022, 22, 7827-7841
5. Hong, Y., Xu, X., Liao, D., Ji, X., Hong, Z., Chen, Y., Xu, L., Li, M., Wang, H., Zhang, H., Xiao, H., Choi, S.-D., Chen, J.*. Air pollution increases human health risks of PM2.5-bound PAHs and nitro-PAHs in the Yangtze River Delta, China. Science of the total environment 2021, 770, 145402
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,NO.42277091,基于高山背景观测研究大气有机硫酸酯液相形成机制,2023.01-2026.12,68万,主持
2. 国家自然科学区域创新发展联合基金,U22A20578,海西城市群大气臭氧的污染来源、成因及调控策略,2023.01-2026.12,300万,参与
3. 厦门市生态环境局委托项目,厦门市大气污染源解析研究,2023.07-2025.12,366万,主持