
简 历:
1968年生,山西孝义人,博士,现任中国科学院广州地球化学研究所研究员。1990年毕业于兰州大学地质系地质学专业。1992年和1996年分别在中国科学院地球化学研究所和中国科学院广州地球化学研究所获硕士和博士学位。1996年7月起留在广州地化所工作至今。2001.1起任研究员。其中2003.和2004年分别在英国帝国理工学院和美国布鲁克海文(Brookhaven)国家实验室任高级访问学者。2016年5月起,任有机地球化学国家重点实验室常务副主任。主要从事油气地球化学研究,较早利用生烃动力学方法研究了塔里木盆地下古生界海相原油的热稳定性;通过不同母质生烃动力学实验,发现热成因气的碳-氢同位素与升温速率无关,可应用于天然气母质判识,指出i/nC4 可用于海相初次与二次裂解气鉴别;建立了利用几何算法估算规则形状包裹体气液体积比方法,结合PVT估算包裹体捕获压力及流体密度;建立了基于全岩热解的页岩排烃动力学方法,研究了海相与湖相页岩的排烃机理;建立了四川盆地页岩埋藏与构造演化模型,耦合生烃与吸附评价页岩气潜力;建立了基于相态动力学参数的台盆区流体相态模拟与预测方法,并对深层油气相态进行综合预测。指出峨眉山大火成岩省对四川盆地热演化及油气生成有重要影响,成果发表在Nature Communication;目前负责生烃动力学实验室、盆地模拟中心和稀有气体同位素实验室。已经发表SCI等论文100余篇。在《Chemical Geology》和《Marine and Petroleum Geology》杂志主编专辑2期。主办第14届国际气体地球化学会议(ICGG14)及第10届亚非石油地球化学与勘探国际会议(AAAPG2019)。目前担任亚非石油地球化学学会(AAAPG)副主席,国际气体地球化学学会(ICGG)委员,中国矿物岩石地球化学学会气体地球化学分会副主任,广东省测绘学会副理事长。任《Scientific Reports》杂志编委、《地球化学》杂志副主编、《天然气地球科学》编委。
1. 广东省水利学会水利科学技术奖一等奖(2023)
1. Chengsheng Chen, Shengfei Qin, Yunpeng Wang*, Greg Holland, Peter Wynn, Wanxu Zhong, and Zheng Zhou*, High temperature methane emissions from the large igneous provinces as contributors to late Permian mass extinctions. Nature Communications. 2022. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-34645-3.
2. Yan Li; Shengfei Qin; Yunpeng Wang*; Greg Holland; Zheng Zhou*, Tracing interaction between hydrocarbon and groundwater systems with isotope signatures preserved in the Anyue gas field, central Sichuan Basin, China. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 274 (2020) 261–285.
3.Xiangrui Chen, Mingxin Tao*, Zheng Zhou, Greg Holland, Yunpeng Wang*. Geological control on carbon isotope equilibrium and kinetic fractionation of CH4-CO2-HCO3-2 in microbial coalbed and shale gas systems, Chemical Geology, 635C (2023) 121609.
4. Chengsheng Chen, Yunpeng Wang*, Jamie R. Beagle, Lingling Liao, Shuyong Shi, Deng Rui, Reconstruction of the evolution of deep fluids in light oil reservoirs in the Central Tarim Basin by using PVT simulation and basin modeling. Marine and Petroleum Geology,107( 2019): 116-126.
5. Lingling Liao, Yunpeng Wang*, Kinetic Study of Marine and Lacustrine Shale Grains Using Rock-Eval Pyrolysis: Implications to Hydrocarbon Generation, Retention and Expulsion, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 89(2018): 164-173.
6.Yunpeng Wang*, Lingling Liao, Ansong Geng, Dehan Liu, Trapping pressure estimation of single gaseous inclusion using PVT simulation and its preliminary application in NE Sichuan, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 89 (2018): 225-231.
7.Yunpeng Wang*, Shuichang Zhang, Galip Yuce, Gas geochemistry: From conventional to unconventional domains, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 89(2018):1-3.
8.Yunpeng Wang*, David R. Hilton, Zheng Zhou, Guodong Zheng, Progress in the Application of Gas Geochemistry to Geothermal, Tectonic and Magmatic Studies, Chemical Geology (2017), 469: 1-3.
9.Yunpeng Wang*, Changyi Zhao, Hongjun Wang, Zhaoyun Wang, Zecheng Wang, Origins of natural gases from marine strata in Northeastern Sichuan Basin (China) by molecular and carbon isotopic data, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2013, 65(2013): 13-20.
10. Yunpeng Wang*, Shuichang Zhang, Feiyu Wang, Zhaoyun Wang, Changyi Zhao,Hongjun Wang, Jinzhong Liu, Jialan Lu, Ansong Geng, Dehan Liu,Thermal cracking history by laboratory kinetic simulation of Paleozoic oil in Eastern Tarim Basin, NW China, implications for the occurrence of residual oil reservoirs, Organic Geochemistry, 2006, 37(12 ):1803-1815.
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