陈少华(ShaoHua CHEN) / 研究员

简  历:



1. 福建省科技进步三等奖(1/5)(2018年)

2. 环境保护科学技术奖一等奖(8/15)(2022年)


1. Huaihao Xu, Xiaojun Wang*, Mingyuan Wang, Junbin Wu, Bo Zhang, Jinsong Wang, Qiuting Zhang, Bingrong Lin, Shaohua Chen. Metatranscriptomics provides an in-depth perspective on the resistance and detoxiffcation of anammox bacteria to dissolved oxygen in a pilot CANON process. Water Research, 2025, 268, 122613.

2. Huiqun Shi, Xiaoyi Ren, Ruili Yang, Jinsong Wang, Huaihao Xu, Xinqing Liao, Yaoyin Lou, Shaohua Chen, Xin Ye* , Xiaojun Wang*. Mg²⁺ and magnesium ammonium phosphate (MAP)-induced anammox granulation for comparable nitrogen removal: Implementation pathways and microbial mechanisms. Water Research, 2025, 272, 122954.

3. Xinqing Liao, Zefang Chen, Lin Du, Jiawei Chen, Shaohua Chen, John C. Crittenden, Xiaojun Wang*. Development of an electrochemical oxidation processes model: Revelation of process mechanisms and impact of operational parameters on process performance. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2025, 503, 158574.

4. Jian Liu, Shaohua Chen, Xinqing Liao, Huiqun Shi, Jianzhi Huang*. Unveiling the molecular responses of dissolved organic matter in landfill leachate to activated carbon adsorption. Separation and Purification Technology, 2024, 330, 125335.

5. Bo Zhang, Huaihao Xu, Han Zhang, Zhou Chen, Huiqun Shi, Shaohua Chen*, Xiaojun Wang*. Dual isotope labelling combined with multi-omics analysis revealing the N2O source evolution in aerobic biological systems driven by salinity gradient. Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 956, 177262.

4. Dongyuan Chu, Zhaoji Zhang, Zhi-long Ye, Hui Zhang, Xianzhi Meng, Xiangnong Chen, Yichuang Lin, Shaohua Chen*. Molecular insights into transformation of dissolved organic matter in landfill leachate nanofiltration concentrate during Fe2+/HClO electrochemical Fenton-type process. Separation and Purification Technology, 2023, 311, 123328.

5. Xin Ye, Minquan Chen, Wei Wang*, Junhuang Shen, Junbin Wu, Wei Huang, Lishan Xiao, Xiangyu Lin, Zhi-Long Ye, Shaohua Chen*. Dissolving the high-cost with acidity: A happy encounter between fluidized struvite crystallization and wastewater from activated carbon manufacture. Water Research, 2021,188:116521.

6. Hualiang Feng, Zefang Chen, Xiaojun Wang*, Shaohua Chen, John Crittenden. Electrochemical advanced oxidation for treating ultrafiltration effluent of a landfill leachate system: Impacts of organics and inorganics and economic evaluation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 413:127492.

7. Chengliang Zhang, Xiaojun Wang, Lai Wei, Boguang Wang, Shaohua Chen*. Time-resolved characteristics and production pathways of simulated landfilling N2O emission under different oxygen concentrations. Environment International, 2021,149:106396.

8. Hualiang Feng, Xiaojun Wang*, Jiasheng Cai, Shaohua Chen*. Discrepancies in N2O emissions between household waste and its food waste and non-food waste components during the predisposal stage. Journal of Environmental Management, 2020,265:110548.

9. Dongyuan Chu, Zhi-Long Ye, Shaohua Chen*. Interactions among low-molecular-weight organics, heavy metals, and Fe(III) during coagulation of landfill leachate nanofiltration concentrate. Waste Management, 2020,104:51–59.

10. Xiaojun Wang, Ruili Yang, Yan Guo, Zhaoji Zhang, Chih Ming Kao, Shaohua Chen,*. Investigation of COD and COD/N ratio for the dominance of anammox pathway for nitrogen removal via isotope labelling technique and the relevant bacteria. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019, 366:606–614.


1. 中国科学院A类战略性先导科技专项课题:“粤港澳大湾区城市群生态基础设施建设与人居环境优化技术装备集成及示范”(项目编号:XDA23030200,2019.01-2023.12),主持,2100万

2. 福建省STS项目:“分布式有机废弃物好氧发酵设备研制与产业化”(项目编号:2019T3004,2019.04-2022.04),主持,60万