简 历:
1. LinXing Chen *, Jillian F Banfield *. COBRA improves the completeness and contiguity of viral genomes assembled from metagenomes. Nature Microbiology 9, 737–750 (2024).
2. Lin-Xing Chen, Raphael Meheust, Alexander Crits-Christoph, Katherine D McMahon, Tara Colenbrander Nelson, Lesley A Warren, Jill Banfield. Large Freshwater Phages with the Potential to Augment Aerobic Methane Oxidation. Nature Microbiology 5 (2020): 1504-1515.
3. Lin-Xing Chen, Karthik Anantharaman, Alon Shaiber, A. Murat Eren, and Jillian F. Banfield. Accurate and Complete Genomes from Metagenomes. Genome Research (2020). doi:10.1101/gr.258640.119.
4. Lin-Xing Chen, Celia Méndez-García, Nina Dombrowski, Luis E. Servín-Garcidueñas, Emiley A. Eloe-Fadrosh, Bao-Zhu Fang, Zhen-Hao Luo, Sha Tan, Xiao-Yang Zhi, Zheng- Shuang Hua, Esperanza Martinez-Romero, Tanja Woyke, Li-Nan Huang, Jesús Sánchez, Ana Isabel Peláez, Manuel Ferrer, Brett J. Baker, Wen-Sheng Shu. Metabolic versatility of small archaea Micrarchaeota and Parvarchaeota. The ISME journal (2018) 12: 756-775.
5. Kelly J Whaley-Martin #, Lin-Xing Chen #, Tara Colebrander Nelson, Jay Gordon, Rose Kantor, Lauren E Twible, Stephanie Marshall, Laura Rossi, Benoit Bessette, Christian Baron, Simon Apte, Jill Banfield, Lesley A Warren. O2 partitioning of sulfur oxidizing bacteria drives acidity and thiosulfate distributions in mining waters. Nature Communications (2023), 14(1), p.2006.