简 历:
现任中国科学技术大学特任教授,博导,国家级海外人才引进计划(青年项目)和中科院人才计划获得者,中国微生物学会古菌专业委员会副主任,安徽省湿地保护协会常务理事,安徽省环保联合会“双碳”研究委员会副主任。于2010年和2015年分别获得中山大学学士和博士学位。2015至2020年在中山大学和美国达特茅斯学院从事博士后研究。主要从事极端微生物群落的微生物生态与进化、生命起源及演化等相关研究,并利用编程技术从事生物信息学软件开发。研究成果在Nature Communications、Science Advances、Cell Reports、ISME J、Molecular Biology & Evolution和Microbiome等国际知名期刊发表学术论文50余篇,H指数28,被引用3800余次,担任Frontiers in Microbiology客座编辑,PNAS、Nature Communications、ISME J、Water Research等期刊审稿人。
1. 国家级海外人才引进计划(青年项目)(2021年)
2. 中科院人才计划(2020年)
1. Shao B, Xie YG, Zhang L, Ruan Y, Liang B, Zhang R, Xu X, Wang W, Lin Z, Pei X, Wang X, Zhao L, Zhou X, Wu X, Xing D, Wang A, Lee DJ, Ren N, Canfield D, Hedlund BP, Hua ZS (*), Chen C (*). Versatile nitrate-respiring heterotrophs are previously concealed contributors to sulfur cycle. Nat. Commun. 16, 1202 (2025).
2. Xie YG, Qi YL, Luo ZH, Qu YN, Yang J, Liu SQ, Yang HL, Xie DW, Wang Z, Jiang HC (*), Hua ZS (*). Lake salinization on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau alters viral community composition and lifestyles. Commun. Earth Environ. 6, 49 (2025).
3. Tan S, Liu L, Jiao JY, Li MM, Hu CJ, Lv AP, Qi YL, Li YX, Rao YZ, Qu YN, Jiang HC, Soo RM, Evans PN, Hua ZS (*), Li WJ (*). Exploring the origins and evolution of oxygenic and anoxygenic photosynthesis in deeply branched Cyanobacteriota. Mol. Biol. Evol. 41, msae151 (2024).
4. Qi YL, Chen YT, Xie YG, Li YX, Rao YZ, Li MM, Cao XR, Chen L, Xie QJ, Qu YN, Yuan ZX, Xiao ZC, Lu L, Jiao JY, Shu WS, Li WJ (*), Hedlund BP (*), Hua ZS (*). Analysis of nearly 3,000 archaeal genomes from terrestrial geothermal springs sheds light on interconnected biogeochemical processes. Nat. Commun. 15, 4066 (2024).
5. Luo ZH, Li Q, Xie YG, Lv AP, Qi YL, Li MM, Qu YN, Liu ZT, Li YX, Rao YZ, Jiao JY, Liu L, Rao MPN, Hedlund B, Evans P, Fang Y, Shu WS, Huang LN (*), Li WJ (*), Hua ZS (*). Temperature, pH, and oxygen availability contributed to the functional differentiation of ancient Nitrososphaeria. ISME J 18, wrad031 (2024).
6. Wang JJ, Qu YN, Evans PN, Guo QH, Zhou FW, Nie M, Jin QS, Zhang Y, Zhai XM, Zhou M, Yu ZG, Fu QL, Xie YG, Hedlund BP, Li WJ, Hua ZS (*), Wang ZM (*), Wang YX. Evidence for nontraditional mcr-containing archaea contributing to biological methanogenesis in geothermal springs. Sci. Adv. 9, eadg6004 (2023).
7. Zhang Y, Liu T, Li MM, Hua ZS (*), Evans P, Qu YN, Tan S, Zheng M, Lu H, Jiao JY, Lücker S, Daims H, Li WJ (*), Guo JH (*). Hot spring distribution and survival mechanisms of thermophilic comammox Nitrospira. ISME J. 17, 993–1003 (2023).
8. Qu YN, Rao YZ, Qi YL, Li YX, Li A, Palmer M, Hedlund BP, Shu WS, Evans PN, Nie GX, Hua ZS (*), Li WJ (*). Panguiarchaeum symbiosum, a potential hyperthermophilic symbiont in the TACK superphylum. Cell Rep. 42, 112158 (2023).
9. Xie YG, Luo ZH, Fang BZ, Jiao JY, Xie QJ, Cao XR, Qu YN, Qi YL, Rao YZ, Li YX, Liu YH, Li A, Seymour C, Palmer M, Hedlund BP, Li WJ (*), Hua ZS (*). Functional differentiation determines the molecular basis of the symbiotic lifestyle of Ca. Nanohaloarchaeota. Microbiome 10, 172 (2022).
10. Hua ZS, Ouellette M, Makkay A, Papke RT (*), Zhaxybayeva O (*). Nutrient supplementation experiments with saltern microbial communities implicate utilization of DNA as a source of phosphorus. ISME J. 15, 2853–2864 (2021).
11. Li JY (#), Hua ZS (#), Liu T (*), Wang CW, Li J, Bai G, Luecker S, Jetten M, Zheng M (*), Guo JH (*). Selective enrichment and metagenomic analysis of three novel comammox Nitrospira in a urine-fed membrane bioreactor. ISME Commun. 1, 7 (2021).
12. Hua ZS (#), Wang YL (#), Evans PN (#), Qu YN, Goh KM, Rao YZ, Qi YL, Li YX, Huang MJ, Jiao JY, Chen YT, Mao YP, Shu WS, Hozzein W, Hedlund BP, Tyson GW, Zhang T, Li WJ. Insights into the ecological roles and evolution of methyl methyl-coenzyme M reductase (mcr) containing hot spring Archaea. Nat. Commun. 1, 1–11 (2019).
13. Zhang Y (#), Hua ZS (#), Lu H, Oehmen A, Guo J. Elucidating functional microorganisms and metabolic mechanisms in a novel engineered ecosystem integrating C, N, P and S biotransformation by metagenomics. Water Res.148, 219–230 (2019).
14. Hua ZS (#), Qu YN (#), Zhu Q, Zhou EM, Qi YL, Yin YR, Rao YZ, Tian Y, Li YX, Liu L, Castelle CJ, Hedlund BP, Shu WS, Knight R, Li WJ. Genomic inference of the metabolism and evolution of the archaeal phylum Aigarchaeota. Nat. Commun. 9, 2832 (2018).
15. Hua ZS (#), Han YJ (#), Chen LX (#), Liu J, Hu M, Li SJ, Kuang JL, Chain PSG, Huang LN, Shu WS. Ecological roles of dominant and rare prokaryotes in acid mine drainage revealed by metagenomics and metatranscriptomics. ISME J. 9,1280–1294 (2015).
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,NO. 32471574,新疆盐湖纳盐古菌与嗜盐古菌共生机制研究,2025.01-2028.12,50万,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,NO. 32471574,高温热泉产甲烷古菌多样性及其适应性进化机制研究,2022.01-2025.12,58万,主持
3. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(C类),NO. 31600298,酸性矿山废水中嗜酸硫酸盐还原菌的适应性进化研究,2017.01-2019.12,23万,主持
4. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目(第60批),酸性矿山废水中微生物群落的适应性进化学研究,8万,主持