李可昌(Kechang Li) / 工程师




(1) Tian, Lele; Li, Jing; Zhao, Shizhen; Tang, Jiao; Li, Jun; Guo, Hai; Liu, Xin; Zhong,

Guangcai; Xu, Yue; Lin, Tian; Lyv, Xiaopu; Chen, Duohong; Li, Kechang L ; Shen, Jin; Zhang, Gan ;DDT, Chlordane, and Hexachlorobenzene in the Air of the Pearl River Delta Revisited: A Tale of Source, History, and Monsoon, Environmental Science & Technology, 2021, 55(14): 9740-9749

(2) Liu, Di; Li, Qilu; Cheng, Zhineng; Li, Kechang L ; Li, Jun; Zhang, Gan ; Spatiotemporal

variations of chlorinated paraffins in PM2.5 from Chinese cities: Implication of the shifting and upgrading of its industries, Environmental Pollution, 2020, 259: 0-113853 (3) Zhao, Shizhen; Jones, Kevin C.; Li, Jun; Sweetman, Andrew J.; Liu, Xin; Xu, Yue; Wang,

Yan; Lin, Tian; Mao, Shuduan; Li, Kechang L ; Tang, Jiao; Zhang, Gan ; Evidence for Major

Contributions of Unintentionally Produced PCBs in the Air of China: Implications for the National Source Inventory, Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54(4): 2163-2171

(4) Mao, Shuduan; Li, Jun; Cheng, Zhineng; Zhong, Guangcai; Li, Kechang L ; Liu, Xiang; Zhang,Gan ; Contribution of Biomass Burning to Ambient Particulate Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons at a Regional Background Site in East China, Environmental Science and Technology Letters, 2018,5(2): 56-61

(5) Chen, She-Jun; Luo, Xiao-Jun; Lin, Zhen; Luo, Yong; Li, Ke-Chang L ; Peng, Xian-Zhi; Mai,Bi-Xian; Ran, Yong; Zeng, Eddy Y. ; Time trends of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in sediment cores from the pearl river estuary, south china, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2007,41(16): 5595-5600