1989年生。博士,党员。现任中国科学院广州地球化学研究所工程师。本硕博在中国石油大学(北京)就读。学科方向为有机地球化学。主要关注有机质FT-ICR MS技术开发及其应用。研究成果:发表SCI刊物论文60余篇,以一作身份发表在ES&T,Analytical Chemistry等刊物上。2021年获得地化所涂光炽优秀青年学者计划B类资助。
1. Jiang, B., Kuang, B.-Y., Liang, Y., Zhang, J., Huang, X.H.H., Xu, C., Yu, J., Shi, Q., 2016. Molecular composition of urban organic aerosols on clear and hazy days in Beijing: A comparative study using FT-ICR MS. Environmental Chemistry 13.
2. Jiang, B., Liang, Y., Xu, C., Zhang, J., Hu, M., Shi, Q., 2014. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in ambient aerosols from Beijing: characterization of low volatile PAHs by positive-ion atmospheric pressure photoionization (APPI) coupled with Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance. Environ Sci Technol 48, 4716-4723.
3. Jiang, B., Tian, Y., Zhai, Z., Zhan, Z.-W., Liao, Y., Zou, Y.-R., Peng, P.a., 2021. Characterisation of heteroatomic compounds in free and bound bitumen from different source rocks by ESI FT-ICR MS. Organic Geochemistry 151, 104147.
4. Jiang, B., Zhan, Z.W., Shi, Q., Liao, Y., Zou, Y.R., Tian, Y., Peng, P., 2019. Chemometric Unmixing of Petroleum Mixtures by Negative Ion ESI FT-ICR MS Analysis. Analytical chemistry 91, 2209-2215.
5. Wang, W., Ma, Y., Zhou, Y., Huang, H., Dou, W., Jiang, B. *, 2021. Investigation into the content and formation of trihalomethanes and molecular change of dissolved organic matter from a typical water plant in south China. Environmental Geochemistry and Health 43, 4315-4328.
6. 王俊杰, 蒋 彬*, 廖玉宏, 赖洪飞, 郭睿波, 曾 清, 黄越义, 方允鑫*, 匡增桂. 南海琼东南盆地两种不同成因天然气水合物所赋存的深层沉积物地球化学特征对比. 地球化学 2023. 52. 180-190
1. 国家基金青年项目,海洋天然气水合物伴生的沉积物中甲烷缺氧氧化及相关脂类生物标志物地球化学的响应,No. 41803042,2019.01-2021.12,25万元,项目负责人