1. Zheng Yijun*, Liao Yuhong, Wang Fu, Yang Wubin, Guo Yangrui, Yan Shuang and Peng Ping’an. Late-fracture calcite veins decode natural gas preservation. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2024, 165: 106893.
2. Zheng Yijun*, Liao Yuhong, Wang Jie, Xiong Yongqiang, Wang Yunpeng, Peng Ping’an, Factors controlling the heterogeneity of shale pore structure and shale gas production of the Wufeng–Longmaxi shales in the Dingshan plunging anticline of the Sichuan Basin, China. International Journal of Coal Geology, 2024, 282: 104434.
3. Zheng Yijun*, Liao Yuhong, Wang Yunpeng, Xiong Yongqiang, Peng Ping’an, The main geological factors controlling the Wufeng–Longmaxi formation shale gas content in the Sichuan Basin, China, AAPG Bulletin, 2022, 106(10): 2073-2102.
4. Zheng Yijun*, Liao Yuhong, Wang Yunpeng, Xiong Yongqiang, Peng Ping’an. "Effects of Regional Differences in Shale Floor Interval on the Petrophysical Properties and Shale Gas Prospects of the Overmature Niutitang Shale, Middle-Upper Yangtz Block." Minerals, 2022, 12, 12050539.
5. Zheng Yijun*, Jiang Chunqing, Liao Yuhong, Relationship between Hydrocarbon Gas Generation and Kerogen Structural Evolution Revealed by Closed System Pyrolysis and Quantitative Py-GC Analysis of a Type II Kerogen, Energy & Fuels, 2021, 35(1):251–263.
6. Zheng Yijun*, Liao Yuhong, Wang Yunpeng, Xiong Yongqiang, and Peng Ping’an. Organic geochemical characteristics, mineralogy, petrophysical properties, and shale gas prospects of the Wufeng–Longmaxi shales in Sanquan Town of the Nanchuan District, Chongqing. AAPG Bulletin, 2018, 102(11): 2239-2265.
7. Pan Yinhua, Liao Yuhong, Zheng Yijun*. Effect of biodegradation on the molecular composition and structure of asphaltenes: Clues from quantitative Py-GC and THM-GC. Organic Geochemistry, 2015, 86:32-44.
8. Liao Yuhong, Zheng Yijun*, Pan Yinhua, Sun Yongge, Geng Ansong. A method to quantify C-1-C-5 hydrocarbon gases by kerogen primary cracking using pyrolysis gas chromatography. Organic Geochemistry, 2015, 79: 49-55.
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